Wilson?? WILSON!!!
Dee@MissFitChicago.com is a world-class resume writer and tactical career coach. Her weekly blog is read across 47 US states and 61 countries.
Last week, we discussed how hiring managers are swamped by applicants—and I mean swamped.
It's March 2024, and job seekers are more efficient than ever. There is an exploding number of search tools, more tools to optimize critical words in a resume, and even more tools to automatically fill out an application online. Anyone who has yet to use ChatGPT must be stranded on Monurii Island.
Yet I hear from hundreds of people daily who can't land an interview, much less an offer. I talked to a young lady yesterday. She submitted more than 1,000 applications and had yet to hear back once.
Even if you were the perfect candidate—out-of-the-ballpark perfect—how would a hiring manager in a faraway ship ever find your resume swimming in a sea of 1,000 other GPt-powered resumes?
Forget the technology.
"Hi Marty, How are you? Congratulations on your promotion to Director! You landed well after leaving Chase. I am interested in the Program Manager role reporting to the CIO. Before I do anything, I wanted to see if you could benefit in any way if they select me. Is there an employee referral bonus?"
The odds are that Marty will remember you and pick up the phone. Even if there isn't a program, Marty may offer valuable help and appreciate your thoughtfulness for thinking of him.
You've Got This.